July 2015 Grand Knight Message

My Brother Knights,
We received an email from Tom Borruso saying he received unexpected
news from his lung surgeon – the PET scan he took shows cancer in his back
(lung area), liver and pelvis. The oncologist is setting him up for radiology
treatment for one of the three and in three weeks they will get together to
discuss treatment of the other two spots. Tom said “He (the oncologist)
indicates that these are not curable but I’m not buying that yet – it’s time to ask
Fr. McGivney for another miracle”, please remember Tom and Barbara in your
As you all know by now Nick Hernandez due to family issues was unable to run
for Grand Knight. My plans are to hold the position of Grand Knight for one
year until other brother knights are able to assume the position. Thanks go to
Rich Erario for assuming the position of Deputy Grand Knight. Rich is a
charter member of the Good Shepherd Council. Thanks go to all the brothers
who took officers positions in the council.
The summer is a slow time and most members are taking well deserved
vacations. The schedule for the coming year has not been finalized; our next
large event will be the Italian night in October. The Holbrook Fair is scheduled
for August 13-16, 2015 and we hope to run a food drive in the fall.
Please come down to our business meetings on the third Thursday of the
month in fellowship hall at Good Shepherd Church.
John Rein
Grand Knight